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Case Study: James


James was involved in a road traffic accident where he was ejected through the passenger window of a car, resulting in him sustaining a brain injury.

The accident saw James living with several physical and cognitive difficulties, including right-sided weakness affecting how he walked, limited movement in his right arm, speech and language problems and epilepsy.

James lived alone and faced regular epileptic seizures, which were extremely worrying for his family.  When his family engaged Prestige Nursing & Care to support James the team introduced assistive technology.  This technology would allow his family to be notified should James experience a seizure, allowing them to respond. He now wears an alarm watch that activates when he is on his own should he have a seizure. The watch is connected to his family’s landline and mobile phones, sending a timely alert should anything happen.  This gives them much-needed reassurance and peace of mind.

He was also living with reduced mobility due to his right-sided weakness.  The introduction of an electronic FES device helped prevent his foot from dropping, by alerting him of incorrect movement.  This enabled James to establish a more normal walking pattern.

With the support of his care team he has been able to improve his movement further using the device, giving him more independence, which in turn has boost his self-esteem and over well-being. James has a regular team of carers who have engaged him in social activities, both in and out of the home.  Being able to participate in the social and physical activities he enjoys has been the focus of his rehabilitation, and he now attends weekly archery lessons with the support of his care team.

We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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