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Case Study: Harry


Harry is living with learning disabilities, challenging behaviour and has significant emotional needs.

He requires intense care and support to help improve his social skills, promoting his independence and overall quality of life. Prestige Nursing & Care has been providing respite care for Harry sine 2018 to provide his parents with much-needed respite to enable them to continue in their employment and build their careers.

A dedicated and knowledgeable team were identified to best meet Harry’s needs and provide the support required.  This included collecting him from school and preparing his dinner, but more importantly engaging him in socially and emotionally beneficial activities, such as going to the park or to the shops, all of which would help him build his social skills and sense of self. It was important for Harry to be supported to have safe interactions with others, whilst promoting his independence to grow and develop as a child.

Harry’s development has been transformational. He has significantly built his confidence and social skills with the help of his care team.   He is now able to interact with people he does not know in a positive way. The new confidence has seen his behaviour improve, which has been more manageable for his care team and parents. His parents have been afforded the time they need to carry on with daily life, reassured that Harry is content, and his care needs and development goals are being met.

We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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