What Is Respite Care For Children?

Respite care for children is a home care service that provides temporary support to parents or caregivers who care for a child with special needs or a medical condition. It offers parents a much-needed break from their caregiving duties while ensuring their child receives the highest level of care and attention.

For over 75 years, Prestige Nursing & Care has provided high-quality care home care services to people of all ages and walks of life. If you’re a parent in need of respite care, we are here to support you and your family. 

Our respite care services provide the flexibility to take a well-deserved break, knowing that your child is receiving the best care possible. Contact us today to learn more about how our respite care services can help you and your family.


Caring for a child with special needs or medical complexities can be physically and emotionally demanding. Parents and caregivers often find themselves navigating a busy schedule of caregiving tasks, leaving little time for self-care or respite. 

Prestige Nursing & Care understands the challenges faced by parents of children with special needs, and we offer respite care to provide the extra helping hand you need. Our respite care services are designed to be tailored to your specific requirements, offering you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your child is in capable and compassionate hands.

Respite care fills this gap by offering parents the opportunity to take a break, rest, and recharge. It allows parents to tend to their own well-being, reducing caregiver burnout and promoting overall family wellbeing.

Respite care is not limited to giving parents a break; it also extends to providing additional assistance and support around the home. Respite carers are trained to meet the unique needs of each child, including clinical nurse-led care, domestic support, and daily living activities. This support ensures that the child’s care remains consistent and of the highest quality whilst providing new opportunities for socialisation. 


Respite care for children can be a lifeline for parents and caregivers of children with special needs or medical conditions. It offers a range of valuable benefits that can significantly improve the quality of life for both you and your child. Here are some scenarios in which you could benefit from respite care:

You Need Some Respite 

The demands of caregiving can leave you feeling drained and overwhelmed. Respite care allows you to take a well-deserved break and take care of other commitments. It’s a chance to prioritise your well-being, reducing caregiver burnout and ensuring you can continue providing the best care for your child.

Help Around Your Home

Respite care isn’t just about giving you a break; it’s also about offering practical assistance. Our respite carers are trained to provide support with daily living activities, including cooking, meal planning, medication management, pet care and domestic support. Our experienced carers can provide practical support around your home so that you have more time to dedicate to your family. 

Planning for Transitions 

Transitions in care can be challenging, whether it’s preparing for a hospital stay, transitioning from the hospital back home, or adjusting to changes in your child’s condition. Respite care can assist during these transitions, providing the continuity of care and support that ensures a smooth process. It offers peace of mind during periods of change and uncertainty.

Socialisation & Companionship 

Children with special needs benefit from socialisation and companionship just like any other child. Respite carers provide not only care but also social engagement and companionship. They can engage your child in age-appropriate activities that promote social development and reduce isolation.




Harry is living with learning disabilities, challenging behaviour and has significant emotional needs.



Respite care for children with special needs is a specialised service that provides temporary relief and support to parents or caregivers looking after children with autism, learning disabilities or other unique needs. 

Our carers are specially trained to support and nurture children with diverse needs. They have the knowledge and experience to create a supportive, inclusive environment that encourages growth and development. Whether it’s sensitive support with personal care, fostering new hobbies or creating new opportunities for socialisation, our carers enhance quality of life for parents or guardians and their children with special needs.

If you care for a child with a learning disability, explore how Prestige Nursing & Care’s specialised learning disability and autism care services can provide the support you need.

Why Choose Prestige Nursing & Care 

Family Involvement

We appreciate that the very best care is provided by families, so family involvement is central to our approach to providing nurse-led care at home. We work together with the family to provide the support they need, as much as they need whilst respecting their wishes to be involved. We know this means the highest quality care is delivered that meets everyone’s needs.

A Fully-managed Service 

Prestige Nursing & Care is not an agency. Unlike a home care agency, we are a fully managed and regulated complex care provider. This means our clients, their families and our professional partners can be reassured that the care and support we provide are of the very highest quality. 

Few options provide the reassurance and peace of mind of receiving fully managed care. 

CQC Rated ‘Good’ 

Unlike introductory agencies, our service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), England’s independent regulator of health and social care. We are proud that 96% of our inspected services have been rated as providing a ‘Good’ service, with 4% rated ‘Outstanding’. All our services in Scotland have been awarded a five-star rating.

Experienced and Nurturing Carers

Our team of carers and clinical experts are not only highly experienced but also deeply passionate about providing high-quality care. We understand the importance of forming meaningful connections with our clients, providing not just practical support but also emotional support and companionship. Our carers are dedicated to nurturing well-being and ensuring every child receives the care and attention they deserve.


Simply fill out our call-back form or call us on 0808 239 1525 to get started. A member of our friendly care team will come out to you to create a no-obligation care needs assessment. This plan will include all the details of how we can provide care of the highest quality to you and your loved ones. 


We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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