Matching the right carers to meet henry’s learning disability needs
Henry is a 20-year-old living with learning disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), visual impairment and sensory integration disorder.
He needs 24/7 support with administration of medication, personal care and help with organisation. Henry’s team of two carers have built a good rapport with him, based on a true understanding of his needs and are dedicated to supporting his independence – he is able now to go out with our carer and not his parents, giving them a respite break too from their caring duties.
Henry’s carers were carefully selected they were close in age to him and shared similar interests. They both have undertaken learning disability and complex care training. Henry’s care package was assessed after the first six weeks and has regular follow ups.
The outcome for the entire family has been the ability to live a more normal life. Julie and her husband can now socialise with friends and take out Henry’s younger brother. This gives them all some much needed respite with the peace of mind that Henry’s needs are being met and he is very happy with his care team and care plan in place
Henry’s mum Julie said: “The carers are absolutely fabulous with Henry – very caring, empathetic, and understanding. Nothing is ever too much trouble. The carers take Henry out and help him with day-to-day tasks, such as cooking and managing his finances.”