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Case Study: Andrea

Supporting Andrea to live independently with downs syndrome

Andrea is a 52-year-old lady who has downs syndrome and vascular dementia.

Four years ago, Andrea’s mum, who was her primary carer, sadly died and Andrea was placed in living accommodation alongside other people living with similar learning disabilities.

This was a very upsetting time for Andrea and such a change in how she was cared for as she had only been cared for by her mother.  Very sadly Andrea was mistreated in her new accommodation which led to her sister appealing to the court of protection for an order for Andrea to live at home with her. A best interest decision was made, and Andrea now lives with her sister.

Prestige Nursing & Care provides hourly care to Andrea six days a week for four hours a day to give Andrea’s next of kin some respite from her caring duties. The care team take responsibility of Andrea’s daily routines including her washing and dressing, her food and nutrition, her toileting, and her safety and well-being.

Andrea had not been outside of her sister’s home in over two years. The Prestige Nursing & Care care team have been pivotal in helping Andrea rebuild her confidence.  Firstly, they spent time building a good rapport with Andrea so that she had confidence in them and started by engaging her to go into the garden, building the number of times a day they would go outside.  Over time this confidence built up with and Andrew now enjoys little walks around the block in her wheelchair. The care provided has also allowed for Andrea’s sister to have some much-needed respite so that she can catch up with her own life.

We are here to take your call and will provide impartial support and guidance – contact our friendly care experts today to discuss your care needs.

0808 239 1525


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