The Care Act 2015 and what it means to carers and those looking for care in West Sussex
In the words of the West Sussex County Council website’s guidance on the new Care Act for 2015, the act is designed “to put people in control of the support they receive, placing the well-being of the individual, and what is important to them, at the centre of decisions.”
The act not only covers private and county council care and support, but also care given by friends and families. While it is likely there will be financial reforms such as caps on care costs in 2016, for now the most important responsibilities and care standards the act focuses on are:
• Carers and those being supported are supported to keep as healthy and as well as possible.
• People receive the adequate services they need now to prevent or delay their care needs becoming more serious.
• People can access the information, advice and guidance they need to make good decisions about their own care and support.
• People have a good range of care service providers to choose from.
Who might benefit from the changes in the Care Act?
You may benefit if you receive care and support, support someone as a carer or are planning for future care and support.
The elderly person at the centre of decision-making
This is a highly positive act for elderly people looking for home carers locally in Worthing and West Sussex as it puts more emphasis on cooperation between councils across different areas and service providers. It means the laying down of clear standards as to what is acceptable in care and support. Perhaps most importantly it makes clear that the elderly themselves are making the choices about their own care where this is appropriate. Their choices are paramount and should always be part of decisions in the provision and structure of care.
More information on the Home Care Act can be found on the Government website;
Accessible advice and guidance on local Home Care in West Sussex
The act is making advice and guidance much easier to access through its online contact points on the West Sussex County Council website.
This should prove to be a valuable resource for people looking into the care process, home carers and what impact this may have on their life. It also offers support in locating a suitable care professional in the county with the choice to contact a consultant directly via letter, email telephone or a website form. The council will be responsible for ensuring that when the client and their family are searching for providers they will be given more than one option of carers who offer quality services.
At Prestige Nursing & Care, our expertise is in home care for the elderly and we enable our clients to stay happy and independent at home. Trust in our consistent, high quality home care services for older people and other adults. We can help guide you through the decision process, access our guide to care options.