A guide to common medical abbreviations

Have you ever looked at your prescriptions or medical records and wondered what all those abbreviations mean?

Abbreviations are used in medical settings to save doctors and nurses valuable time and space when writing prescriptions and other healthcare records.

What causes Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive and debilitating disorder caused by a loss of nerve cells in a particular region of the brain called the substantia nigra. These nerve cells produce a crucial chemical called dopamine, which helps control and coordinate body movements. 

When the nerve cells in this part of the brain become damaged or die, the amount of dopamine in the brain is reduced. This leads to symptoms such as slowed movement and tremors or shaking in the hands, arms, legs or jaw.

How is medication recorded by a home carer?

Since many older adults take one or more medications daily, it can be easy for a mix-up to happen. When it comes to older adults, medication management is especially important for improving their quality of life and preventing unpleasant side effects or overmedication.

A MAR chart is a tool that carers use to record the administration of medicine. By keeping accurate and up-to-date medication records, a MAR chart will help keep your loved ones safe.

The top 8 bathing aids to make everyday tasks easier

For people with mobility or frailty concerns, the bathroom can be an intimidating or even dangerous place. Slips and falls are unfortunately common in the bathroom, leading many people to lose confidence in their ability to take care of their usual personal care routines.

Bathing and bathroom aids are useful tools that can help people regain their confidence and maintain their independence. There are a number of different types of bathing aids available and each is designed to make using the bathroom more safe, comfortable and convenient.

Meal delivery options for the elderly

As your parents get older, cooking tasty and nutritious meals can become more of a challenge. You may find yourself travelling to your loved one’s home each day to cook meals for them or freezing meals that can then be heated up when you aren’t available.

A great way to relieve some of this burden is through our very own in-home care service where we can prepare, serve and keep your loved one company during meal times.

Prevention of slips, trips and falls

It is important that we continue to keep an eye on and help others especially an older person when up and around. During winter months, it remains important that we stay safe on icy pavements to prevent slipping.

Below are some top tips from our Quality team on how to avoid slips trips and falls:

Winter health and wellbeing tips

After the busy festive period,  January can be an excellent time for a fresh start, and a chance to begin the year with a healthy mind-set.

You may also be looking for ways in which you can improve your physical and mental health in 2023. Here are some top tips from our Head of Co-ordination, Jane Hancock.

Look after yourself physically, to feel better mentally

What is the Osteoporosis T-score?

A t-score measures your bone density and can provide a snapshot of your bone health. If your bone density is too low, you are at a higher risk for bone fractures.

Learn more about osteoporosis t-scores and how they provide important insight into your risk for osteoporosis.

Rebuilding muscle and physical strength post lockdown

We shared some tips and advice to help mentally prepare people that have been shielded or in a small bubble throughout lockdown in the below article. here we are sharing some advice regarding physical strength as lockdown restrictions ease. ‘Shielding at home’ involved staying indoors, not having visitors, and not taking part in usual activities outside the home. This has led to people being significantly less physically active.