10 top tips to fight fatigue this winter

1. Try eating smaller-portioned meals throughout the day

It’s not just what you eat that impacts your energy levels, but also when you eat. For instance, have you ever noticed how you feel sluggish after a big lunch or dinner? That’s because your body is using its energy to digest that big meal instead of powering the rest of your body. Start with a healthy, hearty breakfast to start your day right, and then try eating smaller-portioned meals throughout the rest of the day. This will keep your body fuelled regularly and may even help you lose weight.

2. Spice up your [...]

The key to maintaining brain health late in life

A Complex Organ

When it comes to exploring the brain, it would seem that with each breakthrough the scientific community makes, new unprecedented questions arise. While this is certainly positive in that it allows research to become more focused, it also illuminates the fact that the brain is vastly and endlessly complex.

In spite of all of its mysteries, one thing we do know is that the brain – like all of our organs – does indeed age. As we get older, the brain’s overall volume gradually decreases (at approximately 5% per decade after the age of 40), causing nerve cells to [...]

Food allergies: detection and management for seniors

What Are Food Allergies?

In theory, it can be easy to confuse food intolerance for a food allergy. The former primarily involves the digestive system and its inability to properly break down certain foods. Food intolerance can cause everything from nausea to bloating and cramps. With food intolerance, you can generally consume small amounts of the food without causing much of a reaction. On the other hand, reactions from a food allergy can be much more serious, and contact with even trace amounts of offensive foods can be life-threatening.

Food allergies (commonly linked to foods such as peanuts, shellfish, soy, and wheat) [...]

Low impact exercises for seniors

The Importance of Staying Active

Staying physically active is important at every stage of our lives, but as we grow older, it becomes especially vital. Engaging in the recommended daily amount of moderate activity (at least 30 minutes) has numerous long-term benefits, but it can also improve overall health for those with certain conditions and disabilities. Conversely, a sedentary (or inactive) lifestyle can negatively affect physical and emotional well-being, and can potentially increase the risk of injury or development of diseases.

What Are Low-Impact Exercises?

While it’s certainly no secret that physical activity is beneficial, many seniors may not know exactly what kind [...]

5 quick and healthy meals for elderly people

Elderly people need to be careful about what they eat to stay in good health. However, preparing healthy and tasty meals is often a challenge. If you care for an elderly relative or friend, you might be looking for some inspiration, so here are five simple and healthy meals that you can prepare quickly or that they can prepare for themselves if they are able to.



Nothing beats porridge for ease of preparation in the morning, and it will give you an energy boost that will last all day. It’s perfect for cold winter mornings, but great any time of year.

Simply [...]

Elderly malnutrition

Elderly Malnutrition; Spot the Signs of Malnutrition in your Elderly Relative

As we age, our bodies need fewer calories yet require more protein, calcium, B vitamins, and other nutrients to stay healthy. While malnutrition is generally caused by a lack of these nutrients from food, its real causes are often complex and stem from several physical, social and psychological issues. Unfortunately, there remains a general lack of awareness about the specific dietary needs of older people and how nutrition plays a key role in their well-being and longevity.

Older people are particularly susceptible to malnutrition because they not only have different nutritional [...]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome in the elderly

Irritable bowel syndrome, often abbreviated as IBS, is a common disorder that causes everything from chronic abdominal pain and bloating to diarrhoea and constipation. IBS is considered a functional digestive disorder, which means that symptoms are often brought on by changes in the digestive system rather than by a certain disease.

Mobility problems

As individuals age, they often encounter various challenges related to mobility, which refers to their ability to move around freely and independently. These mobility concerns can manifest as difficulty walking steadily, getting in and out of chairs, or even experiencing slips and falls.

A number of factors contribute to these mobility issues in the elderly, ranging from muscle weakness and joint problems to underlying health conditions and neurological impairments. Often, these issues occur daily, exacerbating mobility limitations and posing significant obstacles to daily life.

In this guide, we will delve into the common conditions and challenges faced by older adults regarding mobility, [...]

Wandering in the elderly: tips to prevent unwanted elderly wandering

Due to growing numbers of seniors, many of whom are afflicted with Alzheimer’s and dementia, wandering is increasing. Even in

Maintaining kidney health

Physical well-being is contingent upon the health of all of our organs, and while the areas of focus for seniors may often be the heart and brain, the kidneys are just as important and should demand the same level of care and attention.

Located to the left and right of the spine, below the rib cage, these bean-shaped organs may not always be top of mind, but the importance of their roles in supporting the body’s equilibrium cannot be overstated. In addition to filtering the blood and removing waste and excess water from the body, the kidneys also control blood pressure, [...]