Senior nutrition

As we age, the risk of heart disease can increase due to a condition known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs when the arteries begin to narrow from plaque buildup in the arterial walls, disrupting blood flow throughout the body. If blood flow stops altogether, from a blood clot, the outcome could include a heart attack or stroke.

While unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as lack of physical activity and/or smoking, can trigger atherosclerosis, poor diet can also be a cause. Foods high in salt and fat can result in high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, and high blood sugar levels – all [...]

Alcohol abuse in seniors

Alcoholism in the Elderly; Signs & Effects of Alcohol Abuse in the Elderly

It can be common for friends and family members to overlook – or completely miss – an ageing loved one’s abuse of alcohol. For instance, if he or she has always included alcohol in his or her daily routine, recognising increased (but gradual) frequency of drinking may be difficult. Similarly, seniors may turn to alcohol as a way to deal with physical or emotional pain, loneliness, or other forms of stress – secretly and without anybody ever knowing.

The Effects of Alcohol as We Age

According to the National Council [...]

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer – also referred to as colon cancer or rectal cancer – is considered the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths, for both men and women. The percentage of deaths from colorectal cancer tends to be highest for those within the 75-84 age range.

Colorectal cancer typically begins with the formation of polyps, which are clumps of cells in the inner lining of the colon and/or rectum. The cancer formed from these polyps can spread through the mucosa (innermost layer of the colon), to the lymph nodes, allowing it to spread to the liver, lungs, and other organs in the body. [...]

Common ailments in the elderly

5 Common Ailments that Affect the Elderly & How to Spot the Signs

As we get older, the risk of us being affected by certain health conditions increases. If you have an elderly relative or friend who you help to look after, it’s a good idea to be alert to the signs of the most common ailments so that you can react quickly and get them the medical attention they need.

Depression in the elderly

Depression can sometimes become a problem for elderly people, and it can be caused by loneliness, isolation, lack of mobility and other

Tips for better sleep

How the elderly can get a better night’s sleep

Sleeping can often cause difficulties for elderly people. Regular waking through the night, aches and pains and insomnia can all be problematic, and these can lead to exhaustion during the day – which can make everyday activities a struggle.

So how can you help your elderly relative to sleep better through the night?

Changes in sleep as we age

Sleep patterns change as we age. The older we get, the lighter our sleep tends to get, which is a natural occurrence. Less deep sleep means there is a greater tendency to wake briefly during the [...]

Food safety for the elderly: what you need to know

Correct food preparation is important for people of any age, but it is even more important for elderly people. Food poisoning can

Obesity in the elderly

Obesity in the Elderly: A Growing Problem

Back in June 2014, it was reported that 75 per cent of people aged 45 to 74 are overweight. Sources quoted the National Obesity Forum (NOF) warning that many people will face issues related to their weight in old age, and that this could turn into a serious health crisis.

But the problem is not a new one. According to the BMJ, obesity was more prevalent in elderly people than in young people as far back as 2010. Quoting figures from the Office for National Statistics in 2008, over [...]

Mobility issues in the elderly: warning signs & steps to take

As we age, it’s common to face new challenges with mobility. Mobility refers to a person’s ability to move around comfortably on their own. Unsteadiness while walking or difficulties getting in and out of beds and chairs can easily lead to dangerous slips and falls for older people. Certain medical conditions and medications can contribute to these difficulties by causing symptoms such as muscle weakness, pain and joint problems.

Simple home exercises for older adults

If you have an older relative, they may have difficulty getting out and about to exercise, but this does not mean they cannot exercise