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Dementia Awareness Week May 2016

Dementia Awareness Week 2015

Dementia Awareness Week – Support for Dementia sufferers

We seem to hear about Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease more and more frequently. A sobering thought is that figures tend to show an increase in the levels of people in our communities who are suffering from this debilitating condition. But as we become more aware of the issues involved, we are no doubt becoming much better at dealing with the problems it presents and supporting those who require care for Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

The medical profession continues to innovate with new ideas for treatment and cures; our governments are recognising the burden on the health services and will hopefully offer greater funding for future assistance. Our care providers and charities are offering higher than ever quality care services to ensure sufferers can enjoy greater independence and a better quality of life.

The Alzheimer’s Society reports the amount of people in the UK suffering from dementia continues to rise. It is estimated that in 2015 there will be 850,000 sufferers with the numbers likely to rise to 1 million by 2025.

Dementia Awareness Week 2015

Dementia Awareness Week is an important date on the calendar where resources are aimed at raising awareness and understanding of dementia, enhancing support and care services and fund-raising for the cause. This year in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the Dementia Awareness Week will take place between 17th and the 23rd May.

The core goal of the campaign is to encourage sufferers and carers to open up and talk about the illness along with any associated fears and worries.

Support for Dementia sufferers in Worthing

There were more than 550 awareness and fund raising events across the UK in 2014. Worthing certainly played a great part with volunteers and supporters providing stalls, social evenings and information sessions to boost the campaign.

Want some tips on spotting the signs of Dementia and Alzheimer’s early on or just need details on local support?

Try this handy online resource:

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