What is dementia tax?

Dementia is a complex condition that can make everyday life challenging. Things that many of us take for granted like cooking, washing or using the toilet become increasingly difficult as dementia progresses. The majority of people with dementia will eventually need round-the-clock support to manage their symptoms and live with comfort and dignity.

The ‘dementia tax’ is a way of referring to the financial burden people with dementia and their families face while trying to fund the care they need. Many people with dementia in the UK are faced with having to pay thousands of pounds for their own care, which [...]

40 ways to boost the immune system: a guide for the elderly

As part of the natural ageing process, our immune system starts to slow down making us more susceptible to getting illnesses and infections. This can be especially worrisome for older adults who may already be living with other health conditions.

But building a strong and healthy immune system is easier than you might think. By enjoying an active and healthy lifestyle filled with nutritious food, plenty of exercise and manageable stress levels, you can strengthen your immune system at any age.

10 engaging games for people with dementia

Studies have shown that participating in mentally stimulating activities can help slow down cognitive decline and improve overall brain function in people living with dementia. 

Games can help with memory recall, decision-making, problem-solving, and other cognitive functions. One 2020 study showed that when people with dementia played games, they were able to improve a wide variety of cognitive abilities including reaction time and short-term memory.

What is a memory book?

Memories are an important part of our lives. They help us connect with our past, preserve our legacy, and provide comfort and joy in the present. However, for people living with dementia, preserving memories can become a significant challenge. Memory loss and cognitive decline can make it difficult to remember important events, people, and places. 

A memory book is a personalised collection of mementos, photos, and stories that document the life and memories of an individual. It can serve as a valuable tool for people with dementia to help them remember, reminisce and connect with their past.

How often should the elderly shower or bathe?

A personal care routine allows us to maintain good hygiene and a tidy appearance. Regular bathing helps keep our skin, hair and mouth clean and healthy, and as a result, contributes towards the positive mental health we need to enjoy every aspect life has to offer. But some older adults face unique challenges that make it difficult for them to maintain personal care routines.

For over 75 years, Prestige Nursing & Care has provided bespoke and individually-tailored home care that supports people in living safely and independently at home. Our carers are expertly trained to provide discreet assistance with personal [...]

What is meant by person-centred care?

Person-centred care is an approach to healthcare that prioritises the needs, preferences, and values of the individual receiving care. It involves treating patients with empathy, kindness, and respect and places each person at the heart of all decisions about their own care.

The goal of person-centred care is to empower people to take an active role in their own health and well-being by tailoring care to their unique needs and involving them in the decision-making process.

What is dignity in care?

Dignity is a fundamental human right and it’s a long-established core principle of the health and social care sector. 

Dignity in care means providing care that supports the self-respect of a person. It involves recognising the capacities and ambitions of the people receiving support and not engaging in behaviours that undermine them. This can include respecting people’s privacy, treating them as equals and ensuring they have the support they need to live with choice and independence.

The importance of good documentation in care work

Maintaining accurate records plays a crucial role in providing effective care. Not only can maintaining clear and up-to-date records improve the health and well-being of clients, but it can also help care providers to better comply with CQC regulations.

Here we provide insight into the numerous benefits of good documentation and how you can use accurate record-keeping to improve the quality of life of the people you support.

A guide to common medical abbreviations

Have you ever looked at your prescriptions or medical records and wondered what all those abbreviations mean?

Abbreviations are used in medical settings to save doctors and nurses valuable time and space when writing prescriptions and other healthcare records.

10 fun and engaging activities for the elderly

Whether due to mobility concerns or other physical limitations, it can become more difficult to get out and about as we get older. This can sometimes limit the number of activities older people can participate in and can even lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation.

However, just because we may be spending more time indoors doesn’t mean that we can’t still have fun and engaging experiences. There are many enjoyable activities for older people that can be done from the comfort of home.