Hospitals to face winter pressure: alternative solutions

As winter approaches and the chance of falling ill runs higher, elderly people who are prone to infection will increasingly be admitted to hospitals for conditions that could either be prevented or treated effectively at home.

A new report from Age UK has warned that poor community services and a lack of social care provided to the elderly by local authorities, who have had their budgets slashed in recent years, will result in a huge rise in hospital admissions. The NHS – already stretched to breaking point – cannot cope with the extra pressure and alternative ways of treating the elderly need to [...]

Suitable for no one

A recent letter from the County Council Network (CCN) – a constituent of the Local Government Association (LGA) – has revealed that those paying for care themselves (possessing assets below £23,500 is the current threshold for state assistance) pay a surplus of 50% on their care home costs. This is an absolutely raw deal, and is the result of a social care market that has been skewed by unacceptably low levels of central government funding.

In the CNN’s letter, Council chiefs illustrate how unsustainably low investment in the social care sector has passed fees on to vulnerable adults whose assets are [...]